Cannot inherit from final class error

The message means what it says.

Somewhere, somehow you have managed to create a class that extends a superclass, where the superclass has been declared as final.

The most likely cause is that you have a conflict between your build classpath and your launch classpath. In other words, you are compiling your subclass against a version of the superclass that is not final, and then running against a version that is final. The verifier is saying (correctly) that this is wrong.

If it is not your build / one of your classes that is causing this, then it is some internal conflict within the CouchDB client classes that you are using. Indeed the fact that this is a VerifyError rather than an IncompatibleClassChangeError suggests that this maybe a problem with some dynamically generated bytecodes.

if you're using kotlin, add open to your class (extends RealmObject) declaration

open class Foo() {
