Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Range<String.Index>' with an argument list of type '(Range<String.Index>)'
Some background:
In Swift 3, additional range types were introduced, making a total of four (see for example Ole Begemann: Ranges in Swift 3):
Range, ClosedRange, CountableRange, CountableClosedRange
With the implementation of SE-0143 Conditional conformances in Swift 4.2, the “countable” variants are not separate types anymore, but (constrained) type aliases, for example
public typealias CountableRange<Bound: Strideable> = Range<Bound>
where Bound.Stride : SignedInteger
and, as a consequence, various conversions between the different range types have been removed, such as the
init(_ other: Range<Range.Bound>)
initializer of struct Range
. All theses changes are part of the
[stdlib][WIP] Eliminate (Closed)CountableRange using conditional conformance (#13342) commit.
So that is the reason why
let range: Range<Index> = Range<Index>(start..<self.endIndex)
does not compile anymore.
How to fix
As you already figured out, this can be simply fixed as
let range: Range<Index> = start..<self.endIndex
or just
let range = start..<self.endIndex
without the type annotation.
Another option is to use a one sided range (introduced in Swift 4 with SE-0172 One-sided Ranges):
extension String {
func index(of aString: String, startingFrom position: Int = 0) -> String.Index? {
let start = index(startIndex, offsetBy: position)
return self[start...].range(of: aString, options: .literal)?.lowerBound
This works because the substring self[start...]
shares its indices
with the originating string self
Turns out, ranges do not have to be initialized but can simply be created as follows:
let range: Range<Index> = start...end
In this case, the code would be fixed by replacing Range<Index>(start..<self.endIndex)
let range: Range<Index> = start..<self.endIndex
I had the same problem, You can use this code to fix the issue -
let range = startIndex ..< characters.index(startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
Reference :