Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll on python executable


  1. Try to copy all files starting with mkl you find under Library\bin or numpy\core into the build folder, as well as libiomp5md.dll, see Python Pyinstaller 3.1 Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll and cx_freeze converted GUI-app (tkinter) crashes after pressing plot-Button.

    Once you have found out which file(s) need(s) to be manually copied, you can let cx_Freeze include the necessary file(s) by using the include_files list of the build_exe options (see code snippet below). If necessary, you can use a tuple (source, destination) as item in the include_files list to let cx_Freeze copy a file from source to a specific destination into the build directory, see the cx_Freezedocumentation.

  2. I see further potential problems in the setup script you've posted in your question:

    • include the whole numpy packages using the packages list of the build_exe options, it is easier and maybe safer
    • it is safer to dynamically find out the location of the TCL/TK DLLs
    • for cx_Freeze 5.1.1, the TCL/TK DLLs need to be included in a lib subdirectory of the build directory

In summary, try t o use

PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.__file__))
os.environ['TCL_LIBRARY'] = os.path.join(PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR, 'tcl', 'tcl8.6')
os.environ['TK_LIBRARY'] = os.path.join(PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR, 'tcl', 'tk8.6')

build_exe_options = {'packages': ['numpy'],
                     'includes': ['matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg'],
                     'include_files': [(os.path.join(PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR, 'DLLs', 'tcl86t.dll'),
                                        os.path.join('lib', 'tcl86t.dll')),
                                       (os.path.join(PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR, 'DLLs', 'tk86t.dll'),
                                        os.path.join('lib', 'tk86t.dll'))
                                       # add here further files which need to be included as described in 1.

in your setup script.