Cannot mix incompatible Qt library

Solved the problem using this solution:

I have fixed this issue doing the following:

  1. Installing the libs:

    apt-get install libxi-dev libxmu-dev
  2. (Re-)moving the Qt libs inside the Genymotion installation directory:

    mkdir QtLibs && mv *Qt*.so* QtLibs

This last command will make Genymotion use the system's Qt libs.

After you have run the following command:mkdir QtLibs && mv *Qt*.so* QtLibs

you will need to install system libs. For me it was:


You can find out what your system needs by running genymotion from within the command line terminal

This command helped me to start qtcreator without that error:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/tools/qtcreator-3.6.1/lib/Qt/lib

where qtcreator-3.6.1 is the installation directory.


