Cannot open Excel file in C#

I found the following page:

Where it says that...

it’s not supported to automate office products UI less. It seems that Windows Server 2008 and Excel 2007 enforce the given statement.

The questioner then describes exactly the situation I am in with a Windows Service that cannot open an Excel file, although the same code in a command-line program has no problem.

The response advises to create the following folder:

Windows 2008 Server x64: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop

Windows 2008 Server x86: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop

I have tried this and it worked a treat! Can anyone explain why it is needed and any downsides?


--- Alistair.

Run the program as admin, the C:/ cannot be accessed by a program unless the user is running as admin. You can make your program prompt the user it must be run as admin by altering the ApplicationManifest: How do I force my .NET application to run as administrator?

I was running into the same issue and I have investigated infomation about "registry hack".

After all, I found another solution that changes no registry values and everything works on properly.

This solution is ...

・Windows 2008 Server x64

Please make this folder.


・Windows 2008 Server x86

Please make this folder.


...instead of dcomcnfg.exe.

This operation took away office automation problems in my system.

A Desktop folder seems to be necessary in the systemprofile folder to open file by Excel.

It disappears from Windows2008, Windows2003 had the folder, and I think it cause this error.

I think it is safer than "registry hack".

If you try this solution, please let me know results.