Cannot resolve ILogger<T> Simple Injector ASP.NET Core 2.0

Although Alsami's answer would work, use the following registration instead:

    c => typeof(Logger<>).MakeGenericType(c.Consumer.ImplementationType),
    c => true);

// This next call is not required if you are already calling AutoCrossWireAspNetComponents

This exact example is shown in the documentation.

This registration allows injecting the Logger<T> into a non-generic ILogger constructor argument, where the T of Logger<T> becomes the type the logger is injected into. In other words, when HelloWorldController depends on ILogger, it will get injected with a Logger<HelloWorldController>. This means you can simplify your HelloWorldController to the following:

public class HelloWorldController : Controller
    public HelloWorldController(ILogger logger)
         // ...

By letting your application components depend on ILogger rather than ILogger<T> you:

  • Simplify your application code
  • Simplify your unit tests
  • Remove the possibility of making accidental errors, because it becomes impossible to inject the wrong logger.

You also have to register the logger iteself as a generic type. I don't know simple injector but this should be the correct syntax.

container.Register(typeof(ILogger<>), typeof(Logger<>), Lifestyle.Singleton);