Caption and footnote width with ctable

I use, in this cases, a "poor man's ctable":


\providecommand\tmark{} % so having ctable or not is irrelevant

\caption{Somewhat long long long caption which is long}
  \tnote[a]{Short footnote}
  \tnote[b]{Short footnote}
Header 1 & Header 2 \\
foo\tmark[a] & 1\tmark[b] \\

The arguments to tabularwithnotes are the same as for tabular, with the notes in an additional argument.

enter image description here

Here is a solution that adds a new key-value footerwidth (default is the width of the table):

enter image description here


\xpatchcmd{\ctable}% <cmd>
  {{\@ctblbeg}}% <search>
     \@ctblfooterwidth\@ctblw% or \@ctblfloatwidth for default as width of float
   \@ctblbeg}}% <replace> {\@defaultctblmincapwidth%
  {}{}% <success><failure>
\xpatchcmd{\ctable}{\hsize}{\@ctblfooterwidth}{}{}% Patch \ctable
\xpatchcmd{\ctable}{\hsize}{\@ctblfooterwidth}{}{}% Patch \ctable

caption = {Somewhat long long long caption which is long},
mincapwidth = \textwidth,
  \tnote[a]{Short footnote}
    Header 1 & Header 2 \\
    foo\tmark[a] & 1 \\

caption = {Somewhat long long long caption which is long},
mincapwidth = \textwidth,
footerwidth = .5\textwidth
  \tnote[a]{Short footnote}
    Header 1 & Header 2 \\
    foo\tmark[a] & 1 \\

xpatch provides the patch to \ctable since it takes an optional argument.

The first patch inserts the appropriate definition of the newly defined dimension \@ctblfooterwidth if it has no length. The second and third patch replaces the default \hsize width of the footnote encasing in either a minipage or tabularx environment, as defined within \ctable originally.

Send a feature request – there should be an option to have the caption set outside the minipage which contains the table and notes. In the meantime, you can make this change yourself:

   \let\@ctbltaborfig  \@defaultctbltaborfig
   \let\@ctblalign     \@defaultctblalign
   \let\@ctblsideways  \@defaultctblsideways
   \let\@ctblcontinued \empty
   \let\@ctblpos       \@defaultctblpos
   \let\@ctblcaption   \empty
   \let\@ctblcap       \undefined
   \let\@ctbllabel     \empty
   \let\@ctblbotcap    \@defaultctblbotcap
   \let\@ctblstarred   \@defaultctblstarred
   \let\@ctblsuper     \@defaultctblsuper
   \let\@ctblnotespar  \@defaultctblnotespar
   \let\@ctbldoinside  \@defaultctbldoinside
   \@ctblframerule     \@defaultctblframerule
   \@ctblcaptionskip   \@defaultctblcaptionskip
   \@ctblframesep      \@defaultctblframesep
   \@ctblwidth         \@defaultctblwidth
   \@ctblmaxwidth      \@defaultctblmaxwidth
   \@ctblmincapwidth   \@defaultctblmincapwidth
   \def\@ctblfgactual {@defaultctblframefg}
   \def\@ctblbgactual {@defaultctblframebg}
   \def\@ctblbeg      {\begin{\@ctblsideways\@ctbltaborfig\@ctblstarred}}
   \def\@ctblbegin    {\@ctblbeg}
   \def\@ctblend      {\end{\@ctblsideways\@ctbltaborfig\@ctblstarred}}
            You may not use the width and maxwidth options together}{
            Use either width or maxwidth}
         You may not use the pos and sideways options together}{
         Rotated tables and figures are always typeset on a separate page}
            You may not label a captionless table}{
            Such a label can't be referenced}
      \@ctblXcolumntype{l}% temporarily make  type X = l
         \@ctblXcolumntype{Y}% restore X
         \centering{\usebox\ctbl@t} % insert the tabular
         \ifx#3\empty\else{% append footnotes, if any


Then the command in-text becomes:

caption = {Somewhat long long long caption which is long},
  \tnote[a]{Short footnote}
    Header 1 & Header 2 \\
    foo\tmark[a] & 1 \\