Capture all the output of a script to a file (from the script itself)

You can always invoke script inside a script to log everything.

As to print and log everything at the same time in a bash script to log.txt:


if [ -z "$SCRIPT" ]
    /usr/bin/script log.txt /bin/bash -c "$0 $*"
    exit 0

echo teste

Seeing the log log.txt:

$ ./
Script started, output file is log.txt

Script done, output file is log.txt
$ cat log.txt
Script started on Fri Feb 16 17:57:26 2018
command: /bin/bash -c ./ 

Script done on Fri Feb 16 17:57:26 2018

You want to use tee.


echo "Hello World" | tee out.txt

This creates a file out.txt with the output from the command and prints it to the screen. Use "tee -a filename" if you want to append to the file.

echo "Hello" | tee -a out.txt
echo "World" | tee -a out.txt

out.txt will have two lines Hello and World (without -a it would only have world)

If you want to save the entire script and output the entire script:

./ | tee output.txt