Capture snapshot of OpenGL window with very large image resolution

Doing high resolution renderings with OpenGL is a bit tricky. One problem is, that pixel ownership tests get in the way. The other are the maximum size for a framebuffer (object). The first problem can be overcome by using a framebuffer object or a PBuffer.

The second requires some trickery: Let's say we want to render an image of size W×H, where W and H exceed the maximum framebuffer size; glGetInteger of the tokens GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_SIZE, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE gives you those limits. So what you have to do is split up the target image into tiles smaller than those limits, render those tiles and then recombine them. Let's say W_t and H_t are the tile sizes, W_t := W / N, H_t := H / M and we have an accordingly sized PBuffer or Framebuffer object. Then we can render those tiles with a 2-loop:

for m in 0 to M: for n in 0 to N:
    render_tile(n, m)

So how does render_tile(n,m) look like?


Apparently we're using the whole tile as renderbuffer so

    glViewport(0, 0, W_t, H_t)

so what changes is the projection. Somehow we've to shift the projection along with the tile in the projection plane. The projection plane is also known as the 'near' plane. The extents of the near plane are right - left and top - bottom, so we're splitting the near plane into tiles of size (right - left) / N×(top - bottom) / M so that's what we need to use as shift step size:

    shift_X = (right - left) / N
    shift_Y = (top - bottom) / M

    switch Projection:
         case Ortho:
             glOrtho( left + shift_X * n, left + shift_X * (n+1), 
                      bottom + shift_Y * m, bottom + shift_Y * (n+1),
                      near, far)
         case Perspective:
             glFrustum( left + shift_X * n, left + shift_X * (n+1), 
                      bottom + shift_Y * m, bottom + shift_Y * (n+1),
                      near, far)


And just in case how we get left, right, top, bottom for perspective:

right = -0.5 * tan(fov) * near
left = -right;
top = aspect * right
bottom = -top

After a few experiments on both, I realise that Qt does not limit the image resolution of its snapshots of a QGLWidget to the desktop size but I could not do the same for freeglut.

Be warned: if you create a window that is larger than the desktop, those pixels that are not in view do not pass the pixel-ownership test. Therefore, the contents of those pixels is undefined. They may contain what you want, but they may not.

This is true for any pixels that are not visible, whether the window is just off the desktop or being covered by another window.

Anyway, you shouldn't be creating a window the size of your desktop. You should be creating a normal window, and making a framebuffer object that contains a large color and depth renderbuffer. Do all of your rendering to these off-screen buffers. Then you won't have to worry about size limitations of your window.

Though you will be limited by the maximum size of renderbuffers, as well as the maximum viewport size.