Capture Stored Procedure print output in .NET (Different model!)

Just to show people a complete working example from Craig's answer and Wim's response:

var entityConnection = (EntityConnection)Context.Connection;
var sqlConnection = (SqlConnection)entityConnection.StoreConnection;
sqlConnection.InfoMessage += (s,a) => Debug.WriteLine(a.Message);


Actually, it does, but since the EF is not SQL Server specific, you have to cast it:

var sqlConn = (SqlConnection)Context.Connection.StoreConnection;

This is what worked for me, samneric's example was helpful but not the exact syntax.

string message = Empty.string;

using (var context1 = new DatabaseEntities())
                var conn =

                var sqlConnection = (SqlConnection)conn.StoreConnection;

                sqlConnection.InfoMessage += (s, a) => message = a.Message;

              data = context1.storedProc("Parameter");
