Cartesian product in clojure

I know I'm late to the party -- I just wanted to add a different approach, for the sake of completeness.

Compared to amalloy's approach, it is lazy too (the parameter lists are eagerly evaluated, though) and slightly faster when all results are required (I tested them both with the demo code below), however it is prone to stack overflow (much like the underlying for comprehension it generates and evaluates) as the number of lists increases. Also, keep in mind that eval has a limit to the size of the code it can be passed to.

Consider first a single instance of the problem: You want to find the cartesian product of [:a :b :c] and '(1 2 3). The obvious solution is to use a for comprehension, like this:

(for [e1 [:a :b :c]
      e2 '(1 2 3)]
  (list e1 e2))

; ((:a 1) (:a 2) (:a 3) (:b 1) (:b 2) (:b 3) (:c 1) (:c 2) (:c 3))

Now, the question is: Is it possible to generalize this in a way that works with an arbitrary number of lists? The answer here is affirmative. This is what the following macro does:

(defmacro cart [& lists]
  (let [syms (for [_ lists] (gensym))]
    `(for [~@(mapcat list syms lists)]
       (list ~@syms))))

(macroexpand-1 '(cart [:a :b :c] '(1 2 3)))

; (clojure.core/for [G__4356 [:a :b :c] 
;                    G__4357 (quote (1 2 3))] 
;   (clojure.core/list G__4356 G__4357))

(cart [:a :b :c] '(1 2 3))

; ((:a 1) (:a 2) (:a 3) (:b 1) (:b 2) (:b 3) (:c 1) (:c 2) (:c 3))

Essentially, you have the compiler generate the appropriate for comprehension for you. Converting this to a function is pretty straightforward, but there is a small catch:

(defn cart [& lists]
  (let [syms (for [_ lists] (gensym))]
    (eval `(for [~@(mapcat #(list %1 `'~%2) syms lists)]
             (list ~@syms)))))

(cart [:a :b :c] '(1 2 3))

; ((:a 1) (:a 2) (:a 3) (:b 1) (:b 2) (:b 3) (:c 1) (:c 2) (:c 3))

Lists that are left unquoted are treated as function calls, which is why quoting %2 is necessary here.

Online Demo:


(defn cart [& lists]
  (let [syms (for [_ lists] (gensym))]
    (eval `(for [~@(mapcat #(list %1 `'~%2) syms lists)]
             (list ~@syms)))))

(defn project-euler-205 []

  (let [rolls (fn [n d]
                (->> (range 1 (inc d))
                  (repeat n)
                  (apply cart)
                  (map #(apply + %))

        peter-rolls (rolls 9 4)
        colin-rolls (rolls 6 6)

        all-results (* (apply + (vals peter-rolls))
                       (apply + (vals colin-rolls)))

        peter-wins (apply + (for [[pk pv] peter-rolls
                                  [ck cv] colin-rolls
                                  :when (> pk ck)]
                              (* pv cv)))]

    (/ peter-wins all-results)))

(println (project-euler-205)) ; 48679795/84934656

I would check it has

(combo/cartesian-product [1 2] [3 4]) ;;=> ((1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4))

For the sake of comparison, in the spirit of the original

(defn cart 
  ([xs ys] 
   (mapcat (fn [x] (map (fn [y] (list x y)) ys)) xs)) 
  ([xs ys & more] 
   (mapcat (fn [x] (map (fn [z] (cons x z)) (apply cart (cons ys more)))) xs)))

(cart '(a b c) '(d e f) '(g h i))
;=> ((a d g) (a d h) (a d i) (a e g) (a e h) (a e i) (a f g) (a f h) (a f i)
;    (b d g) (b d h) (b d i) (b e g) (b e h) (b e i) (b f g) (b f h) (b f i) 
;    (c d g) (c d h) (c d i) (c e g) (c e h) (c e i) (c f g) (c f h) (c f i))

This is a lot easier to do as a for-comprehension than by trying to work out the recursion manually:

(defn cart [colls]
  (if (empty? colls)
    (for [more (cart (rest colls))
          x (first colls)]
      (cons x more))))

user> (cart '((a b c) (1 2 3) (black white)))
((a 1 black) (a 1 white) (a 2 black) (a 2 white) (a 3 black) (a 3 white) 
 (b 1 black) (b 1 white) (b 2 black) (b 2 white) (b 3 black) (b 3 white) 
 (c 1 black) (c 1 white) (c 2 black) (c 2 white) (c 3 black) (c 3 white))

The base case is obvious (it needs to be a list containing the empty list, not the empty list itself, since there is one way to take a cartesian product of no lists). In the recursive case, you just iterate over each element x of the first collection, and then over each cartesian product of the rest of the lists, prepending the x you've chosen.

Note that it's important to write the two clauses of the for comprehension in this slightly unnatural order: swapping them results in a substantial slowdown. The reason for this is to avoid duplicating work. The body of the second binding will be evaluated once for each item in the first binding, which (if you wrote the clauses in the wrong order) would mean many wasted copies of the expensive recursive clause. If you wish to be extra careful, you can make it clear that the two clauses are independent, by instead writing:

(let [c1 (first colls)]
  (for [more (cart (rest colls))
        x c1]
    (cons x more)))