Cassandra NoHostAvailable: error in CQLSH

This is too late to answer. But I wanted to share my experience.

If you have a single node cluster and use NetworkTopologyStrategy, then it throws this error. Check your keyspace configuration.

Error during inserting data: NoHostAvailable:

My CQL command to update the replication

ALTER KEYSPACE my_keyspace WITH replication = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1' : 1 ,'DC2' :2 };

was slightly different from the config files : conf/

# These properties are used with GossipingPropertyFileSnitch and will
# indicate the rack and dc for this node

resulting in a

cqlsh: my_keyspace> select * from world where message_id = 'hello_world';


the replication strategy is case sensitive and copy/paste from documentation may lead you to a mistake.

Fix : Changing the replication info so that it match the config files

ALTER KEYSPACE my_keyspace WITH replication = {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 1 ,'dc2' :2 };

And execute on each node :

bin/nodetool repair --full my_keyspace

Got replication set on every node