Casting plain objects to class instances in javascript

Creating an object in JavaScript requires the invocation of its constructor. So, at first you will need to find the correct arguments, which may not always be just properties. After that, you can reassign all public properties from the JSON-parsed object to the created instances.

A general solution would be that every constructor accepts any objects that look like instances (including real instances) and clones them. All the internal logic needed to create proper instances will be located in the right place then.

Or even better than overloading the constructor might be to create a static method on your class that takes objects and creates instances from them:

Person.fromJSON = function(obj) {
    // custom code, as appropriate for Person instances
    // might invoke `new Person`
    return …;

Your case is very simple, as you don't have any arguments and only public properties. To change {personName:John,animals:[]} to an object instance, use this:

var personLiteral = ... // JSON.parse("...");
var personInstance = new Person();
for (var prop in personLiteral)
    personInstance[prop] = personLiteral[prop];

You can also use Object.assign functionality (or e.g. jQuery.extend pre-ES6) for this:

var personInstance = Object.assign(new Person(), personLiteral);

The creation of the Animal instances works analogous.

As JSON does not transport any information about the classes, you must know the structure before. In your case it will be:

var persons = JSON.parse(serverResponse);
for (var i=0; i<persons.length; i++) {
    persons[i] = $.extend(new Person, persons[i]);
    for (var j=0; j<persons[i].animals; j++) {
        persons[i].animals[j] = $.extend(new Animal, persons[i].animals[j]);

Btw, your run methods seems likely to be added on the Animal.prototype object instead of each instance.

First of all: In JavaScript you don't have classes like in C++, Java or C#. So you cannot really have a typed array.

What you are doing should basically work for variables, but not for functions. So you would have to add the functions first. Have a look at the following code to get an idea.

<script type="text/javascript">

function Person() {
      var self = this;


function Animal(){
     var self=this;

         7/... do something

var persons = [{personName:"John",animals:[{animalName:"cheetah"},{animalName:"giraffe"}]} , {personName:"Smith",animals:[{animalName:"cat"},{animalName:"dog"}]} ];

//use this to assign run-function
var a = new Animal();

//assign run-function to received data
persons[0].animals[0].run =;

//now this works


How about creating a Static method on Person Class, which will accept your server response and create required variables.

This is just an idea. Please see if this fits in your problem.

//Static method
Person.createObjects = function( response ) {
    var persons = [];
    for ( var p = 0; p < response.length; p++ ) {
        //Create Person
        var person = new Person( response[p].personName );
        //Create Animals
        for ( var a = 0; a < response[p].animals.length; a++ ) {
           var animal = new Animal( response[p].animals[a].animalName );
           //Push this animal into Person
           person.animals.push ( animal );
        //Push this person in persons
        persons.push ( person );
    //Return persons
    return persons;

//Now Create required persons by passing the server response
var persons = Person.createObjects ( response );

It seems like you have classes that have some prototype methods and you'd just like to be able to make your objects use those methods.

function Person() {}

Person.prototype.speak = function() {
   console.log("I am " + this.personName);

Person.prototype.runAnimals = function() {

function Animal() {} = function() {
    console.log("My Animal " + this.animalName+ "  is running");

var untypedPersons =  [{personName:"John",animals:[{animalName:"cheetah"},{animalName:"giraffe"}]} , {personName:"Smith",animals:[{animalName:"cat"},{animalName:"dog"}]} ];   

function fromArray(arr, constructor) {
       var typed = Object.create(constructor.prototype);
       // Now copy properties from the given object
       for (var prop in obj)  {
           typed[prop] = obj[prop];
       return typed;

var persons = fromArray(untypedPersons, Person);
// Attach prototype to each animals list in person
    person.animals = fromArray(person.animals, Animal);


​This could all be a lot easier (and we could avoid all the copying) if everybody supported the __proto__ property

  person.__proto__ = Person.prototype;
    animal.__proto__ = Animal.prototype;
