Caught exception is null itself !

For anyone ending up here, I've found an instance where this is possible (If only detectable in the debugger). VS2013 Update 4.


    // do something
catch (WebException ex) // <- both variables are named 'ex'
    Logger.Log("Error while tried to do something. Error: " + ex.Message);
catch (Exception ex) // <- this 'ex' is null
    Logger.Log("Error while tried to do something. Error: " + ex.Message);

The solution is to name your exception variables differently.


    // do something
catch (WebException webEx) // <- all good in the hood
    Logger.Log("Error while tried to do something. Error: " + webEx.Message); // <-
catch (Exception ex) // <- this 'ex' correctly contains the exception
    Logger.Log("Error while tried to do something. Error: " + ex.Message);

I just ran into an issue where someone was passing ex.InnerException to a method, where ex was the root. Since the parameter was also called ex it led to some confusion in the debugger when I looked at the originally caught exception. This was likely the result of some careless refactoring.


public void MyMethod(string input)
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) { // <- (2) Attempting to view ex here would show null

private void LogInner(Exception ex)
    _logger.log(ex); // <- (1) NullReferenceExeption thrown here
    if(ex.InnerException != null)

This was refactored as such:

public void MyMethod(string input)
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {

private void LogExceptionTree(Exception exception)
    if(exception.InnerException != null)

In my case, the cause was a StackOverflowException. Such exceptions normally don't reach the catch block at all, but this time, for some reason I don't understand, it did reach the catch block, but the exception was null.