cdkDragHandle doesn't work inside child component

This solution worked for me:

Parent Component:

<div cdkDropList #list="cdkDropList"

    *ngFor="let item of myArray"
    <div cdkDragHandle></div>


Child Component (app-item):

<div class="drag-container">
  <div class="drag-handle">drag here</div>

Then style the cdk-drag-handle class in the parent component. cdk-drag-handle comes with material, so we do not need to apply it manually:

.cdk-drag-handle {
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
   position: absolute;
   z-index: 100;
   background-color: transparent;
   cursor: move;

Then style the drag-container with position: relative and whatever you want. I have an item inside it (drag-handle) which also takes the full width and height of the container, that contains an image (just as a sidenote).

This worked for me: Instead of using cdkDragHandle, just stop mouse down event propagation as bellow. Then only header can be dragged.

  <body (mousedown)="$event.stopPropagation()"></body>