Celery auto reload on ANY changes
Celery --autoreload
doesn't work and it is deprecated.
Since you are using django, you can write a management command for that. Django has autoreload utility which is used by runserver to restart WSGI server when code changes.
The same functionality can be used to reload celery workers. Create a seperate management command called celery. Write a function to kill existing worker and start a new worker. Now hook this function to autoreload as follows.
import shlex
import subprocess
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from django.utils import autoreload
def restart_celery():
cmd = 'pkill celery'
cmd = 'celery worker -l info -A foo'
class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
print('Starting celery worker with autoreload...')
# For Django>=2.2
# For django<2.1
# autoreload.main(restart_celery)
Now you can run celery worker with python manage.py celery
which will autoreload when codebase changes.
This is only for development purposes and do not use it in production. Code taken from my other answer here.
You can manually include additional modules with -I|--include
. Combine this with GNU tools like find
and awk
and you'll be able to find all .py
files and include them.
$ celery -A app worker --autoreload --include=$(find . -name "*.py" -type f | awk '{sub("\./",""); gsub("/", "."); sub(".py",""); print}' ORS=',' | sed 's/.$//')
Lets explain it:
find . -name "*.py" -type f
searches recursively for all files containing .py
. The output looks something like this:
awk '{sub("\./",""); gsub("/", "."); sub(".py",""); print}' ORS=','
This line takes output of find
as input and removes all occurences of ./
. Then it replaces all /
with a .
. The last sub()
removes replaces .py
with an empty string. ORS
replaces all newlines with ,
. This outputs:
The last command, sed
removes the last ,
So the command that is being executed looks like:
$ celery -A app worker --autoreload --include=app,some_package.foo,some_package.bar
If you have a virtualenv
inside your source you can exclude it by adding -path .path_to_your_env -prune -o
$ celery -A app worker --autoreload --include=$(find . -path .path_to_your_env -prune -o -name "*.py" -type f | awk '{sub("\./",""); gsub("/", "."); sub(".py",""); print}' ORS=',' | sed 's/.$//')