Center-justify with hrule above and below

Pilfering from @egreg's answer... You could modify the inter-word spacing or just add a couple of \hfills inbetween:

enter image description here


  This is my title, it is somewhat\\
  long\hfill and\hfill split\hfill over\hfill two\hfill lines!\\


On its own, \hfill will do nothing inside a tabular if there isn't enough room to stretch. However, since the first line is longer than the second, there is room to stretch.

\makebox[<len>][<justification>]{<stuff>} can also be used with <justification> given by [s] (for stretch) if you know the <len> that <stuff> should be spread over:

enter image description here


  \settowidth{\mylen}{This is my title, it is somewhat}%
  This is my title, it is somewhat\\
  \makebox[\mylen][s]{long and split over two lines!}\\


Use a tabular environment:

  This is my title, it is somewhat\\
  long and split over two lines!\\

enter image description here