Centering text in C# console app only working with some input
Try this instead:
private static void centerText(String text)
Console.Write(new string(' ', (Console.WindowWidth - text.Length) / 2));
The problem with your initial code was that your text starts in the screen center. You want the center of the text to be there.
You're going to do a bit more work if you want to print entire paragraphs centered like this.
The text passed in may have whitespace such as \r\n
, then remove that before calling the write such as
string textClean = Regex.Replace(text, @"([\r\n])", string.Empty);
// Then center on text clean
I have my own method for calling console headers:
public static void Header(string title, string subtitle = "", ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.White)
int windowWidth = 90 - 2;
string titleContent = String.Format("║{0," + ((windowWidth / 2) + (title.Length / 2)) + "}{1," + (windowWidth - (windowWidth / 2) - (title.Length / 2) + 1) + "}", title, "║");
string subtitleContent = String.Format("║{0," + ((windowWidth / 2) + (subtitle.Length / 2)) + "}{1," + (windowWidth - (windowWidth / 2) - (subtitle.Length / 2) + 1) + "}", subtitle, "║");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subtitle))
Then you call it like this YourStaticClass.Header("Test", "Version 1.0");
it should look like this:
║ Test ║
║ Version 1.0 ║
You can replace the 90
in windowsWidth
with Console.WindowWidth
UPDATE - February 2019 - code cleaned and made dynamic size
/// <summary>
/// Application header, also sets the console title
/// </summary>
/// <param name="title">Title of application</param>
/// <param name="subtitle">Subtitle of application</param>
/// <param name="foreGroundColor">Foreground color</param>
public static void Header(string title, string subtitle = "", ConsoleColor foreGroundColor = ConsoleColor.White, int windowWidthSize = 90)
Console.Title = title + (subtitle != "" ? " - " + subtitle : "");
string titleContent = CenterText(title, "║");
string subtitleContent = CenterText(subtitle, "║");
string borderLine = new String('═', windowWidthSize - 2);
Console.ForegroundColor = foreGroundColor;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subtitle))
/// <summary>
/// Align content to center for console. Can be used with decoration if used inside menu or header
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">Content to center</param>
/// <param name="decorationString">Left and right decoration, default is empty/none</param>
/// <returns>Center aligned text</returns>
public static string CenterText(string content, string decorationString = "", int windowWidthSize = 90)
int windowWidth = windowWidthSize - (2 * decorationString.Length);
return String.Format(decorationString + "{0," + ((windowWidth / 2) + (content.Length / 2)) + "}{1," + (windowWidth - (windowWidth / 2) - (content.Length / 2) + decorationString.Length) + "}", content, decorationString);