certification scores published?

At this time there is no registry of certificates, where an individual's certificates can be verified. Typically, people furnish screenshots of their Webassessor homepage with the list of certificates, or mail the certificates that they receive in the email on passing.

Scores are never displayed, only Pass/ Fail.

The other answers still stand. Additionally, Salesforce launched a verification service. If you have selected to make your certs visible (highly recommended) they are searchable by name and email.

You can link the page (for example) to add supporting evidence to your documentation as needed.

enter image description here

You never find out your score, ever. The only thing Salesforce will ever disclose to you or anyone else about an exam is Pass or Fail.

You will get feedback on Pass/Fail on most of the exams (all except for Advanced Developer/Technical Architect) the instant you submit it. So, no worries about getting the A+. Just worry about passing!

Good luck on your exam tomorrow!