Change AppBarLayout height programmatically in Android
Do this instead:
AppBarLayout appbar = (AppBarLayout) findViewById(;
float heightDp = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels / 3;
CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams)appbar.getLayoutParams();
lp.height = (int)heightDp;
In your original code I think that you calculation for 1/3 of the screen was wrong, but you still should have seen something. It could be that the LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT in the setLP() wasn't imported correctly. Always declare the view type first, i.e. CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams just to make sure. Otherwise it can be easy to use a Framelayout.LayoutParams, for instance.
Some methods for changing the AppBarLayout height programatically with dividing, percent or by weight of the screen height:
private AppBarLayout appbar;
* @return AppBarLayout
protected AppBarLayout getAppBar() {
if (appbar == null) appbar = (AppBarLayout) findViewById(;
return appbar;
* @param divide Set AppBar height to screen height divided by 2->5
protected void setAppBarLayoutHeightOfScreenDivide(@IntRange(from = 2, to = 5) int divide) {
setAppBarLayoutHeightOfScreenPercent(100 / divide);
* @param percent Set AppBar height to 20->50% of screen height
protected void setAppBarLayoutHeightOfScreenPercent(@IntRange(from = 20, to = 50) int percent) {
setAppBarLayoutHeightOfScreenWeight(percent / 100F);
* @param weight Set AppBar height to 0.2->0.5 weight of screen height
protected void setAppBarLayoutHeightOfScreenWeight(@FloatRange(from = 0.2F, to = 0.5F) float weight) {
if (getAppBar() != null) {
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = getAppBar().getLayoutParams();
params.height = Math.round(getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels * weight);
If you want to follow the material design guidelines the height should be equal to the default height plus content increment(s)