Change color of sibling elements on hover using CSS

#banner:hover h1 {
  color: red;

#banner h1:hover {
  color: black;

a {
  position: absolute;
<div id="banner">
  <a class="button" href="#">link</a>

The Fiddle:

The a element is absolutely positioned. Might not be perfect for your exisiting structure. Let me know, I might find a workaround.

It is indeed possible to achieve this with only a few lines of CSS and some basic Flexbox understanding.

As Stephen P said in his answer, the adjacent sibling combinator does select immediately following siblings. To achieve what the OP asked, you could use two flex approaches:

Approach 1 (using "flex-flow" shorthand property)

.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: column-reverse wrap

.flex-child-1:hover + .flex-child-2 {
  color: #FF3333;
<div class="flex-parent">
    <a class="flex-child-1">Hover me</a>  
    <h1 class="flex-child-2">I am changing color</h1>

Approach 2 (using "order" property and multiple children)

.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.flex-child-1 {
  order: 2;

.flex-child-2 {
  order: 1;

.flex-child-3 {
  order: 3;

.flex-child-1:hover+.flex-child-2 {
  color: #FF3333;
<div class="flex-parent">
  <h1 class="flex-child-3">I am not changing color</h1>
  <a class="flex-child-1">Hover me</a>
  <h1 class="flex-child-2">I am changing color</h1>


CodePen Bonus

There is no CSS selector that can do this (in CSS3, even). Elements, in CSS, are never aware of their parent, so you cannot do a:parent h1 (for example). Nor are they aware of their siblings (in most cases), so you cannot do #container a:hover { /* do something with sibling h1 */ }. Basically, CSS properties cannot modify anything but elements and their children (they cannot access parents or siblings).

You could contain the h1 within the a, but this would make your h1 hoverable as well.

You will only be able to achieve this using JavaScript (jsFiddle proof-of-concept). This would look something like:

$("a.button").hover(function() {
}, function() {

You can make a sibling that follows an element change when that element is hovered, for example you can change the color of your a link when the h1 is hovered, but you can't affect a previous sibling in the same way.

h1 {
    color: #4fa04f;
h1 + a {
    color: #a04f4f;
h1:hover + a {
    color: #4f4fd0;
a:hover + h1 {
    background-color: #444;
<a class="button" href="#">The &quot;Button&quot;</a>
<h1>Another Heading</h1>

We set the color of an H1 to a greenish hue, and the color of an A that is a sibling of an H1 to reddish (first 2 rules). The third rule does what I describe -- changes the A color when the H1 is hovered.

But notice the fourth rule a:hover + h1 only changes the background color of the H1 that follows the anchor, but not the one that precedes it.

This is based on the DOM order, and it's possible to change the display order of elements, so even though you can't change the previous element, you could make that element appear to be after the other element to get the desired effect.
Note that doing this could affect accessibility, since screen readers will generally traverse items in DOM order, which may not be the same as the visual order.


This should now be possible using the has selector, in the browsers that support it.
See the comments in the CSS below.
I will edit again in the future; currently my Chrome and Safari browsers are not yet at versions that support it.

h1 {
    color: #4fa04f;
h1 + a {
    color: #a04f4f;
h1:hover + a {
    color: #4f4fd0;
a:hover + h1 {
    background-color: #444;
/* Select an H1 heading that has an <a>nchor as a sibling */
h1:has(+ a) {
    background-color: cyan;

/* Select an H1 heading that has a currently-hovered <a>nchor as a sibling */
h1:has(+ a:hover) {
    background-color: yellow;
<a class="button" href="#">The &quot;Button&quot;</a>
<h1>Another Heading</h1>


