Change FetchType.LAZY to FetchType.EAGER temporary at runtime (Hibernate/JPA)

Spring JpaRepository allows marking queries (including custom) with

@Entity Book {
     @Id Long id;
     @OneToMany List<Author> authors;

@EntityGraph(attributePaths = {"authors", "author.address"})
@Query("select b from Book b" +
        " where in (:ids)")
List<Book> loadAll(@Param("ids") List<Long> ids);

Hibernate has a feature called Fetch Profiles that solves this problem. It requires access to Hibernate Session, but you can use unwrap() to access it from EntityManager.

If you want a pure JPA solution, you can use queries with join fetch when loading objects in use cases that require eager fetching.

UPDATE: JPA 2.1 (implemented by Hibernate 4.3) supports a feature similar to fetch profiles - entity graphs.