Change Font Family, Rename Font

Any special reason for changing the font details? (just curious...)

anyway i found this little tool: (Which is cross platform and open source!)

hope it helps :)

TTFedit did the job for me. It has a much smaller footprint and was easier to use for me.

Just start ttfedit.jar, open a .ttf, select the "name" tab on the left side, edit the family names, subfamily names, etc. and save as a new .ttf.

In my case, I had to wipe Photoshop's font cache before my changed font got recognized.

I know that is a bit older, but I found a method for .otf files:

  1. Download FontForge
  2. Edit the three names (>Element,>Fontinfo) and export it as a .ttf file.
  3. Then grab this old Windows program:
  4. Open the created .ttf with fpedit and skip the steps (just click next till the program is ready)
  5. Click on "Save as"
  6. Be happy

