Change icon of notification when using osascript -e "display notification"
Actually, this is possible.
Just save your script as an application and then switch the applet.icns
file within the application's Contents/Resources
folder for the icon you want.
Any notifications sent from your script will use that icon.
You cannot. This is simply not a macOS feature exposed to AppleScript.
If you need a custom icon, consider using a pop-up "dialog" rather than a Notification Center pop-up. With timeouts and buttons you can recreate much of the functionality, though not the integration nor aesthetics.
In `display dialog', if you wish to use the standard icons: 0, 1, or 2 (stop, note, or caution), perhaps don't have osascript be the program that displays the icon. Finder, for example:
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder"' -e 'activate' -e 'display dialog \
"this is the note icon." with icon note' -e 'end tell'
or without the tell application…
you may use an icon of your choice by referencing it directly, e.g. the Terminal app's icon:
osascript -e 'display dialog "Terminal icon" with icon alias \
I'm not sure what you mean by, "the only way to change its icon is from an external bundle. Is there any way to make osascript -e
display what I want." What, precisely, do you want? What have you tried?
Here's the display dialog section from Apple's documentation.