Change jupyter notebook server password

Reposting as an answer:

The process to change the password should be just the same as setting it in the first place. Jupyter hashes the password you enter, and compares it with the hash it loaded from the config file. It doesn't copy the hash to any other persistent storage (though it does store it in memory, so you will need to restart the notebook server).

I'm not sure how environment variables are involved - I don't think the instructions use any for the password.

Currently its 2022 and the jupyter notebook password still works

From version 5.0, you can easily change current password with jupyter notebook password command.

Note : I tested it on windows environment.

Start -> Anaconda Powershell Prompt

It will display you the prompt like below:

(base) PS C:\yourName >

Enter below command :

(base) PS C:\yourName > jupyter notebook password

It will ask you for new password