Change only ONE character in Latex template

Just change the \mathcode of v:





A `v' in math: $v$

A `nu' in math: $\nu$


Output with the \AtBeginDocument line commented out

enter image description here

Output with the \AtBeginDocument line uncommented

enter image description here


I'd suggest using


instead of \usepackage{txfonts}. The fonts are essentially the same, but the defects of txfonts are straightened off.




A `v' in math: $v$

A `nu' in math: $\nu$


enter image description here

Supposing you are using:


The following in your preamble replaces your 'v's in mathmode with the \varv symbol in the output.



This is \verb+\varv+ $\varv$

This is v $v$.

This is greek \verb+\nu+ $\nu$.


enter image description here