Change position of node inside rectangle

Not exactly the same syntax, but you could potentially use a label instead of the node itself. Whether this is a viable method depends on your actual use though.

\node at (0,0) [draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm,
       label={[above,inner sep=0pt]below:Lorem ipsum}] {};

\draw (-2,-2) rectangle (2,-1);
\node at (0,-1.8) {Lorem Ipsum};

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The closest to what you like to obtain with one node:

\node at (0,0) [draw,
                text height=1cm, text depth=1ex, 
                minimum width=4cm, inner sep=-0.2ex] (a) {Lorem Ipsum};

\draw (-2,-2) rectangle (2,-1);
\node at (0,-1.8) {Lorem Ipsum};

enter image description here

The node above is slightly taller.

You can draw it in two steps, first the box and then position the text above the lower edge of the box.

  % \node at (0,0) [draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm] {Lorem Ipsum};
  \node (Square) at (0,0) [draw,minimum height=1cm,minimum width=4cm] {};
  \node[above=-2pt] at (Square.south) {Lorem Ipsum};

  \draw (-2,-2) rectangle (2,-1);
  \node at (0,-1.8) {Lorem Ipsum};

enter image description here