Change table spacing
- with use of the
, text is vertically centered in cells by:
font size is set to
- for units in cells' contents is used the
package - more vertical space around the cell contents is done by use of the
package for preserving features of the
columns is used (modified) macro\addparagraphcolumntypes{>{\null}Y}
is defined by\newcolumntype{Y}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}
width of the
cells is defined by new command\usepackage{xparse} \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand\xmc{m m}% {\multicolumn{#1} {C{>{\hsize=\dimexpr#1\hsize+ #1\tabcolsep+#1\tabcolsep-2\tabcolsep+ #1\arrayrulewidth\relax}Y}|} {#2}}
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=20mm]{geometry} \usepackage{cellspace, makecell, tabularx} \setlength\cellspacetoplimit{5pt} \setlength\cellspacebottomlimit{5pt} \renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}} \newcolumntype{Y}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} \addparagraphcolumntypes{>{\null}Y} \usepackage{xparse} \DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand\xmc{m m}% {\multicolumn{#1} {C{>{\hsize=\dimexpr#1\hsize+ #1\tabcolsep+#1\tabcolsep-2\tabcolsep+ #1\arrayrulewidth\relax}Y}|} \usepackage{siunitx} \begin{document} \begin{table} \footnotesize \setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|Cc|*{13}{C{Y}|}} \hline \makecell{Study\\ month} & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 \\ \hline SD & \multicolumn{13}{Cc|}{Standard diet, fed \SI{2}{\%} of mean BW until \SI{35}{kg}, then fixed ration of \SI{500}{g}} \\ \hline FFC & \xmc{5}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (\SI{2}{\%}), fed \SI{2}{\%} of mean BW} & \xmc{6}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (\SI{1}{\%}), fed \SI{2}{\%} of mean BW (max \SI{1000}{g})} & \xmc{2}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (\SI{1}{\%}), changed to fixed ration of \SI{500}{g}} \\ \hline FFC/SD & \xmc{5}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (\SI{2}{\%}), fed \SI{2}{\%} of mean BW} & \xmc{2}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (\SI{1}{\%}), fed \SI{2}{\%} of mean BW (max \SI{1000}{g})} & \xmc{6}{Changed to standard diet, fed fixed ration of \SI{500}{g}.}\\ \hline FFC$_\mathrm{DIA}$ & \multicolumn{13}{Cc|}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (\si{1}{\%}), fed \SI{2.5}{\%} of mean BW (max \SI{1000}{g})} \\ \hline \end{tabularx} \end{table} \end{document}
One possible solution is to use the array
package. Here's my proposed code. Notice I use \tabularnewline
so as to avoid confusion with the \\
in each paragraph cell. Also, you repeat \multicolumn
a sufficient number of times that it justifies the creation of a \cmulticolumn
command (which also includes some formatting parameters). The solution makes use of a nice thing about the array
package: it allows one to define a tabular token (z
, for example) which displays a paragraph of a given with.
Study month & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 \tabularnewline\hline
SD & \cmulticolumn{13}{Standard diet,\\ fed 2\% of mean BW until 35kg, then fixed ration of 500g} \tabularnewline\hline
FFC & \cmulticolumn{5}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (2\%), \\ fed 2\% of mean BW} & \cmulticolumn{6}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (1\%),\\ fed 2\% of mean BW (max 1000g)} & \cmulticolumn{2}{High fat, fructose, \\ cholesterol (1\%),\\ changed to fixed\\ ration of 500g} \tabularnewline\hline
FFC/SD & \cmulticolumn{5}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (2\%),\\ fed 2\% of mean BW} & \cmulticolumn{2}{High fat, fructose,\\ cholesterol (1\%),\\ fed 2\% of mean \\ BW (max 1000g)} & \cmulticolumn{6}{Changed to standard diet, \\ fed fixed ration of 500g.}\tabularnewline \hline
FFC$_{DIA}$ & \cmulticolumn{13}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (1\%), \\ fed 2.5\% of mean BW (max 1000g)} \tabularnewline\hline
The following calculates the available width for equal spaced columns so that the resulting tabular
is exactly \linewidth
wide. The macro doing so is called \equalspacing
and takes as arguments an optional first column (specify the widest entry) and the number of columns you need. The resulting column width is stored in \equalspacingwidth
. The calculation assumes that there is a vertical rule everywhere and each column has a full \tabcolsep
on both sides (so that you don't use @{}
). You can then specify the columns with the *{<count>}{<definition>}
notation (e.g. *{13}{p{\equalspacingwidth}|}
in for 13 columns).
Further a \multiequal{<count>}{<content>}
is defined, which is a \multicolumn
as wide as <count>
columns of width \equalspacingwidth
(plus the \tabcolsep
and \arrayrulewidth
for each of the spanned columns).
With these two macros you can get the following:
\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3cm,
inner=3cm, outer=2cm, footskip = 1.5cm]{geometry}
\advance\equalspacingwidth by -\wd\equalspacing@TMPbox
\advance\equalspacingwidth by -2\tabcolsep
\advance\equalspacingwidth by -\arrayrulewidth
\advance\equalspacingwidth by -\arrayrulewidth
\divide\equalspacingwidth by #2
\advance\equalspacingwidth by -\equalspacing@tmp@length
& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 \\ \hline
& \multiequal{13}
Standard diet, fed 2\% of mean BW until 35kg, then fixed ration of
\\ \hline
& \multiequal{5}{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (2\%), fed 2\% of mean BW}
& \multiequal{6}
{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (1\%), fed 2\% of mean BW (max 1000g)}
& \multiequal{2}
{High fat,fructose, cholesterol (1\%), changed to fixed ration of 500g}
\\ \hline
& \multiequal{5}
{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (2\%), fed 2\% of mean BW}
& \multiequal{2}
{High fat, fructose, cholesterol (1\%), fed 2\% of mean BW (max 1000g)}
& \multiequal{6}{Changed to standard diet, fed fixed ration of 500g.}
\\ \hline
& \multiequal{13}
High fat, fructose, cholesterol (1\%), fed 2.5\% of mean BW (max
\\ \hline
EDIT: To get vertically centred cells, you can use the m
specifier instead of p
in the definition of \multiequal
So with the following definition of \multiequal
and the same remaining document you get this: