Changing a SUM returned NULL to zero

I encountered this problem in Oracle. Oracle does not have an ISNULL() function. However, we can use the NVL() function to achieve the same result:

NVL(SUM(c.Logged), 0)

The easiest, and most readable, way I've found to accomplish this is through:

CREATE PROC [dbo].[Incidents]
(@SiteName varchar(200))


    SELECT SUM(COALESCE(i.Logged, 0)) AS LoggedIncidents
    FROM tbl_Sites s  
    INNER JOIN tbl_Incidents i  
    ON s.Location = i.Location  
    WHERE s.Sites = @SiteName 
          AND i.[month] = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GetDate()) -1,0)  
    GROUP BY s.Sites  

You'll have to use ISNULL like this -

ISNULL(SUM(c.Logged), 0)      

Or, as Michael said, you can use a Left Outer Join.

Put it outside:


    SELECT SUM(i.Logged)  
    FROM tbl_Sites s  
    INNER JOIN tbl_Incidents i  
    ON s.Location = i.Location  
    WHERE s.Sites = @SiteName AND i.[month] = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GetDate()) -1,0)  
    GROUP BY s.Sites  
), 0)  AS LoggedIncidents

If you are returning multiple rows, change INNER JOIN to LEFT JOIN

FROM tbl_Sites s  
LEFT JOIN tbl_Incidents i  
ON s.Location = i.Location  
WHERE s.Sites = @SiteName AND i.[month] = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GetDate()) -1,0)  
GROUP BY s.Sites  

By the way, don't put any function or expression inside aggregate functions if it's not warranted, e.g. don't put ISNULL, COALESCE inside of SUM, using function/expression inside aggregation cripples performance, the query will be executed with table scan