Changing distance between chapter number and chapter title in the table of contents

The tocstyle package (included in KOMA-script) by default automatically calculates the needed indentation for chapter and other sectioning numbers in the ToC. (It needs several LaTeX runs to do so.)








You could use the titletoc package (which is a companion for titlesec).

From the titlesec/titletoc manual page 18:

[Edit: titlesec/titletoc manual page 17:]

              {<before with label>}{<before without label>}
              {<filler and page>}[<after>]

[See also The titlesec, titleps, and titletoc Packages (2016 Mar 21) pp.14, 16 (which provides a similar \titlecontents command option).]



If you are satisfied with the normal typesetting of the book class, you can do with "minimal" effort:


You may also have a look at the memoir class, which must be considered for a 100+ chapter project; it has tools for customizing every aspect of a book, for example


would suffice.