changing float->numeric casts from assignment to implicit, dangerous?

Yes, hacking into the catalog is bad. Reason #1 is that if you upgrade to new version and forget to move the hack, things start breaking. Just running pg_dump and loading to the same version on another instance will also lose the hack. There's also always the chance that a new version of Postgres will change so much that your hack is now not possible and force you to go back and re-engineer.

Overriding with your own function is the correct way to go.

Please be aware that different rounding algorithms are used for different data types.

When rounding values, the numeric type rounds ties away from zero, while (on most machines) the real and double precision types round ties to the nearest even number. For example:

  round(x::numeric) AS num_round,
  round(x::double precision) AS dbl_round
FROM generate_series(-3.5, 3.5, 1) as x;
  x   | num_round | dbl_round
 -3.5 |        -4 |        -4
 -2.5 |        -3 |        -2
 -1.5 |        -2 |        -2
 -0.5 |        -1 |        -0
  0.5 |         1 |         0
  1.5 |         2 |         2
  2.5 |         3 |         2
  3.5 |         4 |         4