Changing Jupyter kernelspec to point to anaconda python

1) Jupyter kernels in /usr/local/ are indeed a global install. But I do not see why it couldn't be linked to your anaconda python3 interpreter.

2) To explicitly link your anaconda interpreter to your jupyter install you can run :

pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --prefix=/usr/local/ --name "anaconda_kernel"

for a global install, or change /usr/local/ if you want a per user install. A doc is specially set for anaconda here

If you combine it with jupyter kernelspec remove python3 beforehand, you can then reset your anaconda kernel as default to be sure.

I ended up reposting this to the Jupyter Github issues page, and was recommended to delete /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3. This allows Jupyter to find a default Python kernel using the same Python running Jupyter itself (i.e. Anaconda), and this worked for me.

You can find my post on Jupyter's Github page as well as an explanation for why the above solution works here.