Changing mailing and e-mail addresses as corresponding author--which to include?

  1. I agree with you and shan23, it doesn't really matter, but the newer is probably better.

  2. Well, to be bluntly honest, I tend to have a negative a-priori when I see an author of a paper with a gmail address (especially when I review it, when it's not double-blind). I know it's stupid, because it should only be about the quality of the work, but I can't really help it. Mostly because I know that there is no authentication with gmail address (I potentially could get an [email protected] address). I think it's ok to give an address that will change, after all, few people spend their entire career in the same institution.

  1. As you mentioned, the postal address does not matter - but in any case, I'd lean towards the newer address!

  2. Its definitely OK to do so - I submitted my Masters thesis with my account, due to the exact same scenario as outlined by you (currently working, am hoping to go to grad school this fall).