Changing picture as characters entered into password

There is some information on this defunct page. Apparently, the idea that the "moving picture" is there to distract shoulder surfers is widespread, and wrong. That's not how this picture works; what it does is actually worse, although it proceeds from good intentions.

When you type the password letters, Lotus employs a "fairly complicated" but deterministic algorithm to map the password as entered to a picture; this basically is a hash function with a very small output size (the output is a "value" in the set of possible pictures). It is possible that the said hash function includes some server-specific secret, but it won't matter much. The real point is that, as you observe, when you enter your password you always end up with the same picture for a given password. The good intention is to achieve the two following properties:

  • Give an early visual warning as to whether the password was entered correctly or not; the user will soon learn the sequence of pictures for his own password, and thus if a picture changes, then the user knows that he typed the wrong key at that point (or possible a few characters before).

  • An attacker who tries to mimic this login popup and make the user type his password in a fake popup would supposedly find it "difficult" to recompute the pictures and display them correctly.

The second reason is pure baloney, when you think about it: the "complicated algorithm" cannot be kept secret (especially if the fake popup is actually a man-in-the-middle attack and the true popup is used under the covers to get the actual pictures), and making pictures which move on the screen is really easy: that's what 99.9% of the Web is about.

The first reason, however, includes the seeds of destruction: this leaks information on the password. The pictures are on the screen and very visible; quite prominent, even. The "shoulder surfer" can see them from afar. And he can use them to prune out potential passwords. Indeed, if there are four possible pictures, then this leaks 2 bits per character: for an 8-character password, which would have, realistically, about 30 bits of entropy, this is then reduced to a meagre 14 bits.

Indeed, this feature is analogous to a system which would write on the screen, in big letters, and for each password character: "this character is a digit" / "this character is an uppercase letter between A and M" / ...

Therefore, this "picture" system is downright dangerous and should be banned.

As for the password length, the number of characters is very easy to get for the attacker, because each key stroke is highly audible. The shoulder surfer just needs to be within earshot of the victim, and could easily record the sequence with his smartphone to listen it later on, suitable slowed down, and thus obtain the password length. Under these conditions, hiding the length from the user himself is pointless.

Nope, the picture on the left of the password field has nothing to do with the security of the login process. This is, sadly, a "usability" feature. It's called a Visual Hash (here's an example). Actually, the avatar you're currently using is an example of visual hashes.

Because Lotus Notes displays a random number of X in the password field, the "ingenious" R&D team at Lotus (and later, IBM) thought that displaying a picture according to the entered password will help the user keep track of the entered password so far.

That picture is a result of specially hashing the password as you type it and choosing the corresponding picture according to that hash. For example, if your password is MyPass1sAwesomeY3ah, as you enter MyPass1s you'll see a certain image corresponding to that password, and when enter the next character your password becomes MyPass1sA you'll see a different one, and so on.

The more you login, the more your brain begins to notice and memorize the patterns and sequences of those images, so later you'll instinctively know when there's something wrong. For example, after you type MyPass1s, you accidentally type a B, you'll be shown a different picture and you'd know, on a subconscious level, that there's something wrong and you'd back up and change that letter.

Personally, I think it's stupid.

At a previous workplace we were using Lotus. I remember asking the guy who installed it for us about that exact feature. He said "this will help you know when you enter the wrong character before submitting the password".