Chart Js Change Label orientation on x-Axis for Line Charts

It worked for me on version 3.1.0

var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'bar',
    data: chartData,
    options: {
        scales: {
            x: {
                ticks: {
                    maxRotation: 90,
                    minRotation: 90

for x axis use this

 options: {
      legend: {
        display: false
      scales: {
        xAxes: [
          ticks: {
                autoSkip: false,
                maxRotation: 0,
                minRotation: 0

and can filter the label with a for loop:

      arrayLabels.forEach((date, i) => {
    let label = "";
    if (i % step == 0 && fecha) {
      label = moment(date, "DD/MM").format("DD MMM");
  }); = labels;

enter image description here

This answer is for chartjs 1.X for an answer covering 2.X take a look at the great answer from @tabetomo

Using the same method as in the previous answer the only thing that needs to changed is the extension of the graph type. This time it is extending the line chart and the set-up is a little different as the Line charts scale is created in the build scale so this time it is buildScale is overridden so that the custom scale is used and the new option overrideRotation can be passed in. initialize is also overridden but only so that the super initialize can be called and get the ball rolling on building the graph.

var helpers = Chart.helpers;
Chart.MyScale = Chart.Scale.extend({
  calculateXLabelRotation: function() {
    //Get the width of each grid by calculating the difference
    //between x offsets between 0 and 1.

    this.ctx.font = this.font;

    var firstWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.xLabels[0]).width,
      lastWidth = this.ctx.measureText(this.xLabels[this.xLabels.length - 1]).width,

    this.xScalePaddingRight = lastWidth / 2 + 3;
    this.xScalePaddingLeft = (firstWidth / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 10) ? firstWidth / 2 : this.yLabelWidth + 10;

    this.xLabelRotation = 0;
    if (this.display) {
      var originalLabelWidth = helpers.longestText(this.ctx, this.font, this.xLabels),
      this.xLabelWidth = originalLabelWidth;
      //Allow 3 pixels x2 padding either side for label readability
      var xGridWidth = Math.floor(this.calculateX(1) - this.calculateX(0)) - 6;

      if (this.overrideRotation) {
        this.xLabelRotation = this.overrideRotation;
        cosRotation = Math.cos(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation));
        // We're right aligning the text now.
        if (firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 8) {
          this.xScalePaddingLeft = firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2;
        this.xScalePaddingRight = this.fontSize / 2;
        this.xLabelWidth = cosRotation * originalLabelWidth;
      } else {
        //Max label rotate should be 90 - also act as a loop counter
        while ((this.xLabelWidth > xGridWidth && this.xLabelRotation === 0) || (this.xLabelWidth > xGridWidth && this.xLabelRotation <= 90 && this.xLabelRotation > 0)) {
          cosRotation = Math.cos(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation));

          firstRotated = cosRotation * firstWidth;
          lastRotated = cosRotation * lastWidth;

          // We're right aligning the text now.
          if (firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2 > this.yLabelWidth + 8) {
            this.xScalePaddingLeft = firstRotated + this.fontSize / 2;
          this.xScalePaddingRight = this.fontSize / 2;

          this.xLabelWidth = cosRotation * originalLabelWidth;

      if (this.xLabelRotation > 0) {
        this.endPoint -= Math.sin(helpers.radians(this.xLabelRotation)) * originalLabelWidth + 3;
    } else {
      this.xLabelWidth = 0;
      this.xScalePaddingRight = this.padding;
      this.xScalePaddingLeft = this.padding;



  name: "MyLine",
  initialize: function(data) {
    Chart.types.Line.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

  buildScale: function(labels) {
    var self = this;

    var dataTotal = function() {
      var values = [];
      self.eachPoints(function(point) {

      return values;

    var scaleOptions = {
      templateString: this.options.scaleLabel,
      height: this.chart.height,
      width: this.chart.width,
      ctx: this.chart.ctx,
      textColor: this.options.scaleFontColor,
      offsetGridLines: this.options.offsetGridLines,
      fontSize: this.options.scaleFontSize,
      fontStyle: this.options.scaleFontStyle,
      fontFamily: this.options.scaleFontFamily,
      valuesCount: labels.length,
      beginAtZero: this.options.scaleBeginAtZero,
      integersOnly: this.options.scaleIntegersOnly,
      calculateYRange: function(currentHeight) {
        var updatedRanges = helpers.calculateScaleRange(
        helpers.extend(this, updatedRanges);
      xLabels: labels,
      font: helpers.fontString(this.options.scaleFontSize, this.options.scaleFontStyle, this.options.scaleFontFamily),
      lineWidth: this.options.scaleLineWidth,
      lineColor: this.options.scaleLineColor,
      showHorizontalLines: this.options.scaleShowHorizontalLines,
      showVerticalLines: this.options.scaleShowVerticalLines,
      gridLineWidth: (this.options.scaleShowGridLines) ? this.options.scaleGridLineWidth : 0,
      gridLineColor: (this.options.scaleShowGridLines) ? this.options.scaleGridLineColor : "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
      padding: (this.options.showScale) ? 0 : this.options.pointDotRadius + this.options.pointDotStrokeWidth,
      showLabels: this.options.scaleShowLabels,
      display: this.options.showScale,
      overrideRotation: this.options.overrideRotation,

    if (this.options.scaleOverride) {
      helpers.extend(scaleOptions, {
        calculateYRange: helpers.noop,
        steps: this.options.scaleSteps,
        stepValue: this.options.scaleStepWidth,
        min: this.options.scaleStartValue,
        max: this.options.scaleStartValue + (this.options.scaleSteps * this.options.scaleStepWidth)

    this.scale = new Chart.MyScale(scaleOptions);

var randomScalingFactor = function() {
  return Math.round(Math.random() * 100)

var barChartData = {
  labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
  datasets: [{
    fillColor: "rgba(20,20,220,0.2)",
    strokeColor: "rgba(20,20,220,1)",
    pointColor: "rgba(20,20,220,1)",
    pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
    pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
    pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(20,20,220,1)",
    data: [randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor()]
  }, {
    fillColor: "rgba(120,120,120,0.2)",
    strokeColor: "rgba(120,220,120,1)",
    pointColor: "rgba(120,120,120,1)",
    pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
    pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
    pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(120,120,120,1)",
    data: [randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor()]
  }, {
    fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.2)",
    strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
    pointColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
    pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
    pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
    pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
    data: [randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor(), randomScalingFactor()]

window.onload = function() {
  var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
  window.myBar = new Chart(ctx).MyLine(barChartData, {
    overrideRotation: 90
<script src=""></script>

<canvas id="canvas" height="150" width="300"></canvas>

If you are using chart.js 2.x, just set maxRotation: 90 and minRotation: 90 in ticks options. It works for me! And if you want to all x-labels, you may want to set autoSkip: false. The following is an example.

var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'bar',
    data: chartData,
    options: {
        scales: {
            xAxes: [{
                ticks: {
                    autoSkip: false,
                    maxRotation: 90,
                    minRotation: 90