Check ArrayList for instance of object

public static <T> T getFirstElementOfTypeIn( List<?> list, Class<T> clazz )
  for ( Object o : list )
    if ( clazz.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) )
      return clazz.cast( o );
  return null;

If you're using Java 8 you can do:

public <T> Optional<T> getInstanceOf(Class<T> clazz, Collection<?> collection) {
    return (Optional<T>)
            .filter(e -> clazz.isInstance(e.getClass()))

Check the documentation of Optional if you never used it before. Actually this is better practice than returning null.

public static <T> T find(Collection<?> arrayList, Class<T> clazz)
    for(Object o : arrayList)
        if (o != null && o.getClass() == clazz)
            return clazz.cast(o);

    return null;    

and call

String match = find(myArrayList, String.class);