Check for a valid file before using \includegraphics

Second attempt

This here should do the same tests than \includegraphics. That means if will give yes if the graphics/file exists and if the extension can be handled be the engine (so tiger.eps will give different results with pdflatex and latex: (The code is from the definition of \Ginclude@graphics in graphics.sty).



  \expandafter \@firstoftwo
  \expandafter \@secondoftwo


\imagetest{tiger}{Yes, \imageextension}{No, \imageextension}

\imagetest{tiger.eps}{Yes, \imageextension}{No, \imageextension}

\imagetest{fail}{Yes, \imageextension}{No, \imageextension}

\imagetest{failxxx.eps}{Yes, \imageextension}{No, \imageextension}

\imagetest{bib.bib}{Yes, \imageextension}{No, \imageextension}

it needs the full name of the file. You can scan the logfile for Imagefile to get all missing images files.

  {\fbox{File #2 doesn't exist}%
   \message{Imagefile #2 doesn't exist^^J}}}% write a message into the log file




enter image description here

enter image description here








\section*{Missing Graphics}
