Check for active internet connection
Obviously, your problem has many levels. You should start by defining "connected to the internet", and go on with developing fallback strategies that include not writing invalid files on failure.
As for the "am I connected" question, you can try tapping into the Win32 API:
Private Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet.dll" _
(ByRef dwflags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long ) As Long
Public Function GetInternetConnectedState() As Boolean
GetInternetConnectedState = InternetGetConnectedState(0&,0&)
End Function
Though depending on your network setup (proxy/NAT/firewall restrictions etc.), Windows might have a different opinion about this than you.
Trying to GET the pages you are interested in, checking on the return status in the HTTP headers (gateway timeout, 404, whatever you expect to happen when it "doen't work) might also be a way to go.
You could use MSXML library & use XMLHttpRequest class to check for things
On Error Resume Next
Dim request As MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
request.Open ""
Msgbox request.Status
The status will give you HTTP Status code of what happened to the request. You might have to do some more checks, depending on your scenario.
Hope that helps.
Use the following code to check for internet connection first anable XML v6.0 in your references
Function checkInternetConnection() As Integer
'code to check for internet connection
'by Daniel Isoje
On Error Resume Next
checkInternetConnection = False
Dim objSvrHTTP As ServerXMLHTTP
Dim varProjectID, varCatID, strT As String
Set objSvrHTTP = New ServerXMLHTTP
objSvrHTTP.Open "GET", ""
objSvrHTTP.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/xml"
objSvrHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/xml"
objSvrHTTP.Send strT
If err = 0 Then
checkInternetConnection = True
MsgBox "Internet connection not estableshed: " & err.Description & "", 64, "Additt !"
End If
End Function