Check if a latitude and longitude is within a circle google maps

For such short distances, and when the accuracy doesn't have to be exact to the centimeter, you can treat the surface of the earth as flat. Calculate a conversion from degrees to kilometers at the latitude of the center point, then the Pythagorean theorem can be used to get the distance:

function arePointsNear(checkPoint, centerPoint, km) {
  var ky = 40000 / 360;
  var kx = Math.cos(Math.PI * / 180.0) * ky;
  var dx = Math.abs(centerPoint.lng - checkPoint.lng) * kx;
  var dy = Math.abs( - * ky;
  return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) <= km;


Note: The code doesn't take into consideration if you are passing the 0/360 longitude. If that is the case, you would have to normalize the longitudes first.

All you need is a little spherical trig

First you need the central angle theta of the arc subtended by your distance (L = 10 km).

L = theta*r

where r is the radius of the earth (6378.135 km)

Now, if the central angle between the point of interest and your center point is < theta, it is inside your circle. Call this angle theta_p.

Here's a diagram illustrating a spherical triangle: spherical triangle image

edit - sorry, apparently I don't know how to link to an image?? Here's the URL:

In this case, two of the sides of the spherical triangle (call them a, b) are the difference in longitude and difference in latitude of the points respectively. The included angle C is 90 degrees (angle between lines of longitude and lines of latitude.

The spherical trig law of cosines is:

cos(c) = cos(a)*cos(b) + sin(a)*sin(b)*cos(C)

c is the central angle between your points, which we earlier called theta_p

edit - this solution isn't limited to small distance WRT the radius of the earth, as the other suggestions are.