Check if computer is plugged into AC power in batch file

set OnAC=false
set cmd=WMIC /NameSpace:\\root\WMI Path BatteryStatus Get PowerOnline
%cmd% | find /i "true" > nul && set OnAC=true
if %OnAC% == true *Do your thing here*

A quick google1 dragged up

  • A powershell solution
  • A C++ solution here. I compiled up the example as battery.exe2. I also coded up a modified program that returns 0 (offline), 1 (online) or 255 (unknown) depending on the ACLineStatus field of the SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS Structure. I called it ACLineStatus.exe. You can use this in a batch file, checking the exit code for one of these values.

Here is the - impressive - C source code to the tool :)

#include <windows.h>

int main() 
    GetSystemPowerStatus( &status );
    return status.ACLineStatus;

Hope that helps


2 note: cross compiled on Linux since I don't have Windows. It worked under wine though, output:

255%   ->   
Amount of time remaining is unknown

There's a direct batch file way:

WMIC Path Win32_Battery Get BatteryStatus

Using this and some find/errorlevel magic, you should be able to turn it into a condition.

Here is the script I am using in our environnement, works nicely:

wmic path Win32_Battery Get BatteryStatus | find /v "BatteryStatus" | find "1" >nul 2>&1
if "%errorlevel%" == "0" (echo Do whatever you want if on BATTERY) else (echo Do whatever you want if on AC POWER)


From the wmic command, isolate the number from the output.

Try to find the number "1" in the result. If succesfull, it means the computer is running on battery only. The official terminology is "(1) The battery is discharging."

Else, the computer is plugged in AC power.