Check if devices has biometric enabled with androidx biometric prompt
AndroidX Biometric beta01 added BiometricManager.canAuthenticate()
Use the following dependency line in your app module's build.gradle file.
implementation 'androidx.biometric:biometric:1.0.0-beta01'
Then you can do the following to check if any biometrics are ready for use on the device.
BiometricManager.from(context).canAuthenticate() == BiometricManager.BIOMETRIC_SUCCESS
On Android 6 to 9 this only supports fingerprints. On 10 and above it will support any biometric (eg. face, iris).
has the data regarding fingerpint authentication only, hence it has hasEnrolledFringers()
. But BiometricPrompt
is used for face unlock, finerprint, iris. It's like a common manager class.
Google has added canAuthenticate
which supports from Android Q.
But you can check it for lower API using
val hasBiometricFeature :Boolean = context.packageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_FINGERPRINT)
Anyway, Google has also added it to androidx components androidx.biometric:biometric
implementation 'androidx.biometric:biometric:1.0.0-alpha04'
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC" />
on `AuthenticationCallback'
public void onAuthenticationError(int errorCode, CharSequence errString) {}
you can check the error codes with the ones
* The user does not have any biometrics enrolled.
If you are using compileSdkVersion 29 and buildToolsVersion "29.0.1". You can use a native check method.
I wrote this function for Kotlin:
fun checkForBiometrics() : Boolean {
Log.d(TAG, "checkForBiometrics started")
var canAuthenticate = true
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 29) {
val keyguardManager : KeyguardManager = applicationContext.getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE) as KeyguardManager
val packageManager : PackageManager = applicationContext.packageManager
if(!packageManager.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_FINGERPRINT)) {
Log.w(TAG, "checkForBiometrics, Fingerprint Sensor not supported")
canAuthenticate = false
if (!keyguardManager.isKeyguardSecure) {
Log.w(TAG, "checkForBiometrics, Lock screen security not enabled in Settings")
canAuthenticate = false
} else {
val biometricManager : BiometricManager = this.getSystemService(
if(biometricManager.canAuthenticate() != BiometricManager.BIOMETRIC_SUCCESS){
Log.w(TAG, "checkForBiometrics, biometrics not supported")
canAuthenticate = false
canAuthenticate = false
Log.d(TAG, "checkForBiometrics ended, canAuthenticate=$canAuthenticate ")
return canAuthenticate
Additional, you have to implement on you app gradle file as dependecy:
implementation 'androidx.biometric:biometric:1.0.0-alpha04'
and also use the newest build tools:
compileSdkVersion 29
buildToolsVersion "29.0.1"