Check if (partial) view exists from HtmlHelperMethod
If you are using Asp.Net Core (Mvc) you can check if "View" exists in your HtmlHelper Extension like this:
public static IHtmlContent PartialOzz<TModel>(IHtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper, partialViewName)
var requestServices = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.RequestServices;
var viewEngine = requestServices.GetService<ICompositeViewEngine>();
var viewEngineResult = viewEngine.GetView(htmlHelper.ViewContext.ExecutingFilePath, partialViewName, isMainPage: false);
if (viewEngineResult.Success)
return htmlHelper.PartialAsync(partialViewName, me.Model).Result;
viewEngineResult = viewEngine.FindView(htmlHelper.ViewContext, partialViewName, isMainPage: false);
if (viewEngineResult.Success)
return htmlHelper.PartialAsync(partialViewName, me.Model).Result;
return new HtmlString($"### {partialViewName} Not Found ###");
For completeness, the way to find a partial view, is actually as follows.
public static HtmlString MyHelper(this HtmlHelper html)
var controllerContext = html.ViewContext.Controller.ControllerContext;
ViewEngineResult result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controllerContext, name);
And be sure to include the extension of the view; either cshtml for razor or aspx for webforms view engines.
But you can't do the above in a helper, as you don't have access to the controller context.
Oh yes, you do have access:
public static HtmlString MyHelper(this HtmlHelper html)
var controllerContext = html.ViewContext.Controller.ControllerContext;
var result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(controllerContext, name, null);