Check if unassigned variable exists in Request.QueryString

Request.QueryString is a NameValueCollection, but items are only added to it if the query string is in the usual [name=value]* format. If not, it is empty.

If your QueryString was of the form ?test=value, then Request.QueryString.AllKeys.Contains("test") would do what you want. Otherwise, you're stuck doing string operations on Request.Url.Query.

I wrote an extension method to solve this task:

public static bool ContainsKey(this NameValueCollection collection, string key)
    if (collection.AllKeys.Contains(key)) 
        return true;

     // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
    var keysWithoutValues = collection.GetValues(null);
    return keysWithoutValues != null && keysWithoutValues.Contains(key);

I use this.

if (Request.Params["test"] != null)
    //Is Set
else if(Request.QueryString.GetValues(null) != null && 
       Array.IndexOf(Request.QueryString.GetValues(null),"test") > -1)
    //Not set
    //Does not exist

Request.QueryString.GetValues(null) will get a list of keys with no values

Request.QueryString.GetValues(null).Contains("test") will return true