check if value exists in array python code example

Example 1: python check string not exist in array

arr_test = ["thetung1","thetung2","thetung3"]
title = "thetung"
if title not in arr_test:

Example 2: python check if list contains

# To check if a certain element is contained in a list use 'in'
bikes = ['trek', 'redline', 'giant']
'trek' in bikes
# Output:
# True

Example 3: extened array if value match python

for logs in mydir:

    for line in mylog:
        #...if the conditions are met

    if any(True for line in list1 if "string" in line):
    del list1


Example 4: how to check an array for a value in python

s = set(a)
if 7 in s:
  # do stuff


Vb Example