Check that button is disabled in react-testing-library

Assert if button is disabled

You can use the toHaveAttribute and closest to test it.

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';

const { getByText } = render(Click);
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).toHaveAttribute('disabled');

or toBeDisabled

expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).toBeDisabled();

Assert if button is enabled

To check if the button is enabled, use not as follows

expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).not.toBeDisabled();

For someone who is looking for the test in which the button is not disabled.

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';

const { getByText } = render(Click);
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).getAttribute("disabled")).toBe(null)

You can use toBeDisabled() from @testing-library/jest-dom, it is a custom jest matcher to test the state of the DOM:

