check whether string contains a line break

Line breaks in HTML aren't represented by \n or \r. They can be represented in lots of ways, including the <br> element, or any block element following another (<p></p><p></p>, for instance).

If you're using a textarea, you may find \n or \r (or \r\n) for line breaks, so:

var text = $("#theTextArea").val();
var match = /\r|\n/.exec(text);
if (match) {
    // Found one, look at `match` for details, in particular `match.index`

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...but that's just textareas, not HTML elements in general.

var text = $('#total-number').text();
var eachLine = text.split('\n');
  alert('Lines found: ' + eachLine.length);
  for(var i = 0, l = eachLine.length; i < l; i++) {
      alert('Line ' + (i+1) + ': ' + eachLine[i]);