checked exception is invalid for this method

You are getting unit testing with mocking wrong. Here:

SimpleClass instanceObj =PowerMockito.mock(SimpleClass.class);

There is no point in mocking the class that is under test!

When you mock that class, you get a stub that has "nothing to do" with your real implementation. A "working setup" would look more like:

public void methodUnderTest(X x, ...) {
   try {; 
   } catch (Exception e) {


 X mockedX = mock(X.class);
 when( WhateverException());

 underTest.methodUnderTest(mockedX); ...

and then you could try to verify for example that the logger saw that expected logging call. In other words: you either use a mock to allow your code under test to do its job (with you being in control!) or to verify that some expected call took place on a mock object.

But as said: it doesn't make any sense to mock that class that you want to test. Because a mocked object doesn't know anything about the "real" implementation!