Checking if an element exists without losing time in Capybara

I see the issue that your code does unnecessary second query to browser (you already have first(:css, "#blabla") so no need to do find_by_id(blabla))

I propose you to find element using one query:

el = first('#blabla') unless el.nil?

Note that there is no losing time here as first doesn't block.

However, first doesn't check that there no other elements on the page. You can add :maximum to check it:

el = first('#blabla', maximum: 1) unless el.nil?

When you're using #find to decide on element presence, you should reduce the wait time for just that call:

if page.has_css?('#blabla', wait: 0)
  # Do something

However, in your special case, the suggested solution is even better, because it saves you multiple "find" calls for the same element.