Chrome Autoplay Policy - Chrome 76
You can use command line code to execute chrome in kiosk mode with no-user-gesture-required:
google-chrome-stable --kiosk --new-window --start-maximized --incognito --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required --disable-features=PreloadMediaEngagementData,AutoplayIgnoreWebAudio,MediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies &
I just spoke to some developers from Google about this issue recently. I submitted a bug. They have been very helpful.
Even though autoplay policy chrome flag was removed in, you can still run Chrome with a specific autoplay policy from the command line.
Autoplay policy that does not require any user gesture.
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required
They say this command will stay, so that's good but even better Chrome allows you to always enable autoplay by explicitly allowing a website to make sound "Site Settings > Sound"
Good luck.