Chrome Extension - Get entire text content of the current tab

You can use document.body.innerText or document.all[0].innerText to do it in the content script.
It will get all the text content in the page, without any HTML code.

Or you can use document.all[0].outerHTML to get the HTML of the whole page.


In the Content Script

function getText(){
    return document.body.innerText
function getHTML(){
    return document.body.outerHTML
console.log(getText());             //Gives you all the text on the page
console.log(getHTML());             //Gives you the whole HTML of the page


So you want the content script to return the text to the popup. You can use:

  • chrome.tabs.getSelected to get the tab selected,
  • chrome.tabs.sendRequest to send request to the content script,
  • and chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener to listen to requests.

Popup page

chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
    chrome.tabs.sendRequest(, {method: "getText"}, function(response) {
            alltext =;

Content Script

    function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
        if(request.method == "getText"){
            sendResponse({data: document.all[0].innerText, method: "getText"}); //same as innerText

This should work.

Use executeScript: (requires permission activeTab)

chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {
    code: `document.all[0].innerText`,
    allFrames: false, // this is the default
    runAt: 'document_start', // default is document_idle. See for more details.
}, function(results) {
    // results.length must be 1
    var result = results[0];

In case the code is complex, it's possible to define a function in the content script and call that function in the code (or use file).